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Columbia Bank

Count On Us To Look Out For You With Consumer Overdraft Services

Consumer Overdraft Services

What Is An Overdraft?

An overdraft occurs when you don’t have enough money in your checking account to cover an item presented against your account. Overdraft services can help cover items when insufficient funds are available or when mistakes happen.


Your Options

Columbia Bank offers several services to clients in order to assist you when unanticipated expenses or simple mistakes leave you with too little cash in your checking account. You can change your overdraft coverage at any time by contacting your local branch or our Customer Service Center at (800) 522-4167

An overview of our Consumer Overdraft Services is listed below. Please review our Consumer Overdraft disclosure for full details on available overdraft services, their associated fees, and the order in which they will be used should you enroll in multiple services.


Consumer Overdraft Services

Account Link

Account Link attaches your checking account balance with an eligible secondary account held by Columbia Bank, usually a savings account, money market account, or a secondary checking account. If your checking balance cannot cover an incoming item, Account Link transfers funds from your secondary account to your overdrawn checking account in $100 increments. When you enroll in this service, it will be used before all other overdraft services that may be attached to your account. Enroll by contacting your local branch.

This service is available free of charge.


CheckRight Overdraft Line of Credit

If you have an unexpected shortage of funds, your overdraft line of credit covers transactions that exceed the balance in your checking account. This can be very cost-effective if outstanding balances are paid shortly after the overdraft occurs. Refer to your credit line agreement for information on interest rates. In the event you have multiple overdraft services, this option will be used after our Account Link service, but before our Premium Overdraft Service. Not available on Forward Checking or Peach Tree accounts. Enroll by contacting your local branch or by applying online.


Premium Overdraft

Premium Overdraft is a courtesy overdraft service available for consumer checking accounts in good standing. You can elect to remain in this service at account opening so that in the event of an overdraft, we pay automatic bill payments, checks, and ACH payments up to your account's overdraft limit. In the event you have multiple overdraft services, this option will always be used last. Not available for Forward Checking Accounts. Additionally, if you have previously opted out of Premium Overdraft, enroll by contacting your local branch. You may need to sign a new Overdraft Election Form. 

A fee applies each time you use this service.


Debit Card Opt-In

This additional service authorizes Columbia Bank to pay ATM transactions and one-time debit card transactions when you do not have enough money in your account. When you choose to opt-in to this service, one-time debit card and ATM transactions will be included in your Premium Overdraft limit. Not available for Forward Checking accounts and you cannot enroll in this service unless you are enrolled in Premium Overdraft. Enroll by contacting your local branch. You will need to sign a new Overdraft Election Form.

A fee applies each time you use this service.


Avoiding Overdrafts

The best way to avoid an overdraft is to responsibly manage your finances. Columbia Bank offers services that make it easy and convenient to manage your item. Some of our services include:

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Keep track of payments like rent, your mortgage, or utilities and when they will be debited. Utilize Online and Mobile Banking to view your account activity and balance.

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Receive a text or email when your account balance falls below an amount you define. Set up account alerts through our web version of Online Banking.

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You know your spending habits best. Schedule transfers from an alternative account when you anticipate your balance to be low.


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